Kale and Mango Salad


Kale and Mango Salad

This salad is divine. Eat it often, its great for the thyroid with the combination of alkaloids and carotenes.

10 minPrep Time

10 minTotal Time

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  • 1 Bunch Mango
  • 1/2 to 1 Mango (depending on the size of the salad you want
  • 1/2 to 1 Lemon squeezed with fibre from pith (for Acid Reflux juice an apple or pear and rub this in replace of lemon)
  • Pomegranate & pinenuts or macadamia nuts optional
Ultimate Health

How To Make

  1. Take the stems off the kale
  2. Rip them into smaller sizes
  3. Massage the lemon into the leaf
  4. Cut the mango and add to the kale
  5. Add pomegranate as optional and pine nuts for crunch


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