Sweet Pea & Cashew Carbonara


Sweet Pea & Cashew Carbonara

One of my favourite dishes is this super easy to make the dish. Give this a try as you will love it. Takes about 15 minutes to put this dish together

10 minPrep Time

10 minCook Time

20 minTotal Time

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  • Sauce
  • 150g Pre-soaked cashews
  • 1-2 Sweet potato
  • 1/2 Butternut squash
  • 2 Teaspoons of nutritional yeast (great B12 Vitamins)
  • Pinch Cayenne pepper
  • 1 Lemon
  • Seasoning
  • Pinch of nutmeg optional
  • Pasta / Noodles
  • Buckwheat noodles, Soba, Rice noodles etc Anything but wheat-based pasta
  • 100g Frozen peas
  • 2 Cloves garlic, crushed
  • 200g Mushrooms
  • Bunch of spinach
Ultimate Health

How To Make

  1. Before you start to make this meal, pre-soak your cashews for a couple of hours. Prepare all the ingredients so they are handy. Pop a pan of water on to boil ready for your buckwheat/sweet potato to go in. OK, we are now ready to begin Peel and chop the sweet potato into bite-size chunks (or you can use butternut squash) and steam or boil until soft. Drain & place the nuts in your blender, along with the sweet potato, tamari sauce, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and seasoning. 3. Cook the buckwheat pasta or brown rice pasta and add the peas around 4 minutes before the pasta is cooked. If the peas are defrosted then only 2 minutes required to heat them through. Now saute the garlic and mushrooms. At the end of cooking add the spinach. 4. Mix the sauce with the pasta and serve. You may have enough sauce left over for another dish. Hurrah – if you do then freeze this and have it spare for another meal.
  2. Notes – IF you want a lighter meal or you are weight watching then change the buckwheat pasta for spiralized veggies (you can steam these, or better still have them raw with the sauce)



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